📝 Interest inventory📄 Interest reports📅 1:1 Stitches👋 Name tags🧮 Network analysis📊 Interest data
Use cases
🤝 Employee experience💻 Onboarding👔 Offsites📈 Mergers & acquisitions☀️ Internships🎉 Event planning🏷️ Event networking

Product overview

Thred's platform creates real, meaningful connections to combat loneliness at work. Happier, well-connected employees do their best work and are more likely to stay at their companies. Continue on for our approach.


Gather data

Interest inventory

We start with a short, straight-forward interest inventory which collects employees' interest and hobby data. We also ask about employees' existing connections, both to avoid matching friends and to paint a clearer picture of the network.

Personalized interests report

After completing the interest inventory, employees get a personalized interest report straight to their inbox – a quick, fun summary of their interests, along with some extra goodies like a personality-type-esque persona and a QR code to share/compare with others.

Check out the interest inventory and get your interest report here.


Interest inventory demo


Facilitate connections

1:1 Stitches

The core experience of the Thred program relies on 1:1 connections based on shared interests. Deep shared interests make for great connections. That’s why we ask employees about their interests, hobbies, and passions. Our algorithm uses that data to make 1:1 introductions—or Stitches—for those who are likely to hit it off.

Name tags

Our event offerings rely on the same underlying survey data as the virtual connections, but optimize for the encounters you might have in real life at an event or conference. We provide name tags that display a QR code. Scanning that code will reveal commonalities between 2 coworkers and activate quick games anchored around discovering their shared interests as a team. Our event uses the same interest data as our connection platform—no extra prep or pre-reqs required—just grab the name tags and go.


Visualize the data

Network analysis

After collecting connection data both pre- and mid-program, we visualize the network to help HR identify gaps, flight risks, and silos.

We segment folks into personas based on 3 measures of network centrality:

1. Connectedness

2. Influence

3. Impact on network health

When we layer those measures on top of each other, we can uncover some fascinating groups. Hidden Influencers, for example, are low connectedness, high influence folks. They become major turnover risks when any of their main connections leave, and they sneakily make perfect change champions.

Aggregate interest data

We also provide aggregate interest data to help make data-driven decisions about morale events and employee interest groups. Check out top employee interests across departments and locations, with AI-generated suggestions for events for each interest.

Check out the demo network analysis and interest data here.


Dashboard demo

“[Loneliness] is more widespread than many other health issues including smoking, diabetes, and obesity.”

Dr. Vivek Murthy, US Surgeon General

Use cases

Employee experience

Connection is critical to employee engagement, retention, and productivity, especially for distributed workforces. Employees on the outside of networks are 4x more likely to leave than average.

Onboarding & hiring

Reduce ramp-up time, eliminate renege risk, and improve 1-year retention with a buddy program that new hires actually want. Helping new hires form strong bonds with employees is the single best thing organizations can do for intent to stay.

Offsites & summits

Offsites are meant to create connection and break down silos in person. Unfortunately, after the post-offsite buzz wears off, connectivity and flow of knowledge typically go back to how they were. Luckily, all it takes to turn offsite acquaintances into meaningful relationships is a touchpoint leading up to or shortly after the event.

Mergers & acquisitions (M&A)

Post-merger, connecting the right folks across legacy companies is paramount for productivity, knowledge flow, and cultural integration. If legacy employees operate in silos, it defeats the entire purpose of the merger or acquisition.


Interns want strong relationships out of their experience. Help interns build those connections in a short time to onboard them faster and increase the chance that they accept return offers.

Informed event planning

Too often, events are a shot in the dark, and we hope that we planned something that employees will want to attend. Thred uses AI to suggest events based on the top interests across your organization or within your department. This gives you the necessary data to plan events that employees will find compelling.

Event networking

Using the name tag solution described above, add a data-driven twist to a classic networking event. Help folks quickly find common interests and deepen potential connections by providing interest name tags and encouraging discussion about shared passions.