About Thred

Every so often we get lucky enough to vibe immediately with someone we meet at work - typically because we have shared interests & experiences.
Thred increases the chance and frequency of those immediate work friendships by facilitating new connections based on common interests.
With higher social connectivity comes happier and healthier employees, less turnover, and stronger employee engagement.


Image of Aaron Chasan, a white man smiling with brown hair, glasses, and a beard
Aaron Chasan
Cofounder & CEO
At the start of my career, I worked as a people consultant and specialized in network analysis and future of work. On each project, my clients told me the same thing—in the post-pandemic working world, they were worried about staying socially connected at work. Cue Thred.
Outside of work, I love to ski, hike, and play disc golf; if I can't get outside, I'm typically trying to rally a few friends for a board game.